Saturday, August 31, 2019

Narrandera April 2006.

Hi again,

On my way over to South Australia in April 2006, I called in to Narrandera to take some photos.

I was going to Adelaide for the 150th celebrations of the Adelaide to Port Railway Line.

These two Photos were taken on the same day.

Canowindra 2002.

Hi again,

These Photos were taken in late May of 2002.

Werris Creek 2006.

Hi again,

Photos taken at Werris creek, in 2006, Probably in June, as we spenta weekend in Armidale.

Sunnyside Platform 2007.

Hi again,

More photos from the GNR line, this time at Sunnyside, between Tenterfield and Wallangarra.

Photos taken some time in 2007.

Werris Creek 2005.

Good morning,

Today is Sunday the 1st of September, 2019.

These Photos were taken at the Opening of the Refreshment rooms as a Museum in October 2005.

It was the 1st of October, and it was a wind up of a Heritage conference which I attended at Tamworth, for a few days before.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Balranald 2004.

Good Afternoon,

These Photos were taken in July 2004.

The Station was demolished in about 2011.

Walcha Road 2002.

Good afternoon,

These Photos were taken on the same day , I believe as the ones that were taken at Tenterfiled, Guyra and Deepwater.

Tenterfield 2002.

Hi again,

Some photos taken on the 5th of May 2002, at Tenterfield.

Guyra 2003.

Hi again,

Here's a couple of Photos taken on the 2nd of March 2003.

I remember it being very cold this morning, I would say I was on my way to Armidale to work on the NERI Railmotors.

Inverall 2002.

Hi again,

We were on our way to Oakey on this trip, called in to see what was left at the Inverall Railway Station Site.
This was in October 2002.

Deepwater 2002.

Hi again,

Some more photos, taken on the 5th of May 2002.

This time at Deepwater, on the GNR. ( Great Northern Railway of NSW.)

Guyra 2002.

Good Morning,

Here is some Photos I took at Guyra on the 5th of May 2002.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Silverton 2004.

Hi again,

This was my first visit to Silverton, in May 2004.

Branxton 2003.

Hi again,

This Photo was taken on one of my many trips Photographing Railway Stations around the state of NSW. Photo taken on the 1st of March 2003.

Maitland 2003.


Here's a Photo taken on the 1st of March, 2003.

Tarago 2002.

Hi again,

Here's 4 Photos taken at Tarago on the 6th of July, 2002.

Interior Photos. 13-08-2024

Morning, Here's some interior photos of the Girilambone Railway Station, They are not my Photos, They are from Phillip Buckley's Col...